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best way to store breastmilk in freezer

Read this if you are breastfeeding your baby

Research has proven that giving breastmilk to your baby is better than formula milk! It is said that breast milk has ideal and complete nutrition to support your baby’s growth. But not everyone can give breastmilk to their baby, so if you can give your baby your breast milk, you are very lucky. Here we will be giving you a little knowledge on the benefits of breastfeeding your baby and the correct way of storing the breast milk. 

Benefits of breastfeeding your baby

  1. Reduce the risk of getting breast cancer

It is said that breastfeeding can lower the risk of you getting breast cancer. This is because moms who breastfeed will tend to have fewer menstrual cycles, and when this happens, it will lessen the release of estrogen hormone. It is recommended to breastfeed your baby for a minimum of 1 year period. 

  1. Gives antibodies to the baby

In the mom’s breast milk, it contains the mom’s antibodies that can help the baby to fight against bacteria and viruses. It will reduce the risk of your baby getting disease and fever from the natural immunity that the baby gets! The milk formula does not provide any antibodies to protect the baby. It only provides nutrients for the baby’s growth. 

  1. Saves your money

Everyone knows that milk formula for babies is quite expensive. This is because the formula is not the same as regular formula milk that an adult takes. This can save your money as you can use your money to buy other baby’s needs. 

What will you need to have when breastfeeding your baby?

  1. Breast pump

If you are still pumping your breast milk manually using your hand, you might want to consider buying a breast pump! The cost of a breast pump is not that expensive. If you have some budget, go on with an electric breast pump. This will ease your work of doing the breast pump as you just need to let it do its job. You can do this anytime and anywhere. You can even do other tasks while doing the breast pump. For working moms outside there, buying a breast pump is recommended as you are not always beside your baby 24 hours.

  1. Nipple care

There are moms outside there who experience sore nipples while breastfeeding their babies. This results from the constant sucks from your baby that creates pressure on your nipples. If you are facing this problem, you can apply a nipple moisturizer to heal the sore nipples and moisturize them. You may also use nipple hydrogel pads to instantly relieve your sore nipples. 

  1. Breastmilk storage

If you are making stocks for your breastmilk, you need to make sure you keep it in safe storage and can easily use it whenever you need it. If you are searching for the best quality breast milk storage, you can get it from lansinoh website, as the breastmilk storage sold by them is the best way to store breastmilk in freezer

Hope this article will help you while breastfeed your baby.